It always seems impossible until it is done.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Still Leading

Congrats to Doug again for winning this weigh-in.  He has lost a total of 22.6 lbs in the past month!

Everyone should give yourself a pat on the back.  As a group we have lost over 110 lbs!  That is more than Kaden weighs! Amazing!

There was a study done on a group of people confined to a  dormitory for 24 hours.  The people were allowed to do whatever they wanted for the 24 hour period.  There were fed the same exact food.  At the end of the study they found that some of the participants burnt less then 1300 calories over the 24 hour period, while others burnt as much as 3600.  Why the difference of 2300 calories?  Fidgeting!  Those who were constantly moving burnt 2300 more calories!  I am not even talking about working out.  Just moving.  Research has shown that fidgeting is a genetic trait.  There are those who are natural fidget-ers.  Those 'good genes' that people talk about could actually be the fidgeting gene.  Natural fidgeters all tend to be naturally lean but eat the same amount of calories that others do.  However, we can all become fidgeters if we think about what we are doing on a daily basis.  Instead of sitting down when talking on the phone: Pace around the room. 
 Stop looking for the closest parking spot.
Get up and doing something during a commercial break. 
Do those things around the house that you know needs to be done.
Kids are a great example of fidgeters!  They are always on the move.  Let's all try to be more child-like.  By just fidgeting alone, you can burn up to an extra 800 calories a day!  MOVE!!

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