It always seems impossible until it is done.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Still in the lead

Congrats Doug!  It doesn't look like he is going to let go of his lead easily.  He wins this weigh-in again by percentage points! A big shout out goes to Aaron for losing the most weight - 9lbs.
As a group we have lost just over 142 lbs!  That being said, most of us seemed to slow down a little bit this past two weeks.  (looking at the weight lost alone)

I thought this would be a good time to use myself as a bad example.  I was by far the worst this week gaining one pound.  I have thought about this and I learned a couple of things that I will share with you.

            Being on vacation for a week made it really difficult to work out.  I did find opportunities to take walks and swim etc, but I didn't dedicate time to exercising.  I noticed two things happened because of this:
            1.  I was hungrier! It's odd to think that not burning more calories during the day makes you hungrier, but it did.  I didn't just eat more for the sake of it.  I really was hungry.  I don't know if there is any science behind this.  On days that I exercise hard, I notice that I don't crave snacks or even seconds.
            2.  I think subconsciously I knew that I wasn't exercising so I kind of gave up.  I noticed that when I did snack,  my choices were terrible.  Instead of looking for something healthy that would fill me up, I ate junk food. 
I have since got back into my workout routine.   I already have noticed little changes in my appetite.  I am eating and desiring healthier food.  Yesterday, I made the Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (from the eat-yourself-skinny website) and it was a big hit with the family.  I paired it with a cucumber salad which has almost no calories.  Basically, our dinner was around 350 calories and we left the table feeling completely full!  Yea!

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