It always seems impossible until it is done.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

They are haunting me.  Gummi Bears…just sitting there asking to be eaten. How do I eat these without feeling guilty about it?  I just need to burn off the calories so it is as if I never ate them.  Here are few easy ways to burn off calories for those haunting moments during the day:
Cook Dinner: Between chopping and table setting, you'll burn 100 calories in 38 minutes.
Garden: Spend 21 minutes tilling soil and planting in your garden to burn 100 calories.
Walk the dog: Hoof it to the dog park at a relaxed pace to burn 30 calories in 10 minutes. At the park, use the leash to jump rope for only four minutes (40 calories).
Play Soccer with the kids: Dribble and shoot your way through soccer drills for 14 minutes to boot 100 calories.
Dance:  repeating a song four times, you'll torch 100 calories.        

(Close your eyes Annie and Kaden:)

Sex: slide under the sheets for 20 minutes to burn 100 calories.
Vacuuming:  25 minutes of vacuuming around your home will burn about 100 calories
Walk: 15 minutes of brisk walking will burn approximately 100 calories.
Jog: Do it in-place as you wait for your favorite show to come on. 12 minutes will burn more than 100 calories.
Volleyball: Twelve minutes of volleyball is all it takes to reach 100 calories burned.
Swimming:  Of all the summers not to have a pool! Just a 15-minute leisurely swimming will help burn over 100 calories.  I’m not even talking laps.
Laugh: If you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day, you'll burn up to 50 calories. No joke!
I, of course, gave in to the haunting Gummi Bears, but had fun dancing them off!

1 comment:

  1. Nana the serious gardener....Annie the sun soaker!!June 20, 2012 at 3:37 PM

    Alison, you are my hero...thanks for all of the good choices. Annie and I can't believe how many calories you can lose doing gardening. We seriously gardened two and a half hours this morning, cleaned the pool and set it up, made sloppy joes, laughed and walked all over the house!! That should do for a candy bar aye!
