It always seems impossible until it is done.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sweat is just your fat crying~Keep Moving!

1.)  A healthy breakfast is the cornerstone of a good diet. Studies have shown when we skip breakfast; our bodies go for 10-16 hours with no outside source of energy. Our chemistry begins to shift to a mode of starvation, which increases appetite and changes how our bodies regulate blood sugar.
2.)  Drink at least eight 8oz. glasses of water a day. A recent study surveyed peoples' various aches and pains, energy levels and sense of well-being. When they were instructed to drink 8 glasses of water a day and their symptoms were reevaluated, notable improvements were seen in improved energy levels, fewer aches and pains, and generally improved sense of health.
3.)  Make meaningful connections with people. Many go through their day-to-day lives surrounded by other people without making meaningful connections. This doesn’t mean getting more Facebook or Twitter friends! A study was done over long period of time among classmates. Those who subsequently developed cancer were more likely to have described a lack of closeness with their parents and friends than their healthy classmates, even 50 years later.
4.)  If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: Eat your fruits and vegetables!  There are too many benefits to list, but we all know what they are.
5.)  Sunlight is every bit as central to our health and well-being as proper nutrition, and exercise. (This is for my husband who thinks walking to his car is enough time spent outdoors.) Exposure to sunlight stimulates the pineal gland to produce melatonin which plays a role in proper sleep and has been shown to fight cancer. Also, when we are outdoors we tend to be more active by walking, hiking, and enjoying other physical activities.
6.)  Learn how to cope with stress properly; take time to relax and meditate. Every day you need to find a way to cope with the stresses, big or little, that come your way.  When you encounter stress, your brain releases hormones that go to various parts of the body to help you fight; fat and sugar are released into the bloodstream, and at the same time you blood vessels constrict, increasing your blood pressure. Your heart beats faster and your muscles tighten, which contribute to an overall unwell feeling.
7.)  Get at least 7 hours of sleep. A brand new study showed that people who don’t get enough sleep are not as sharp the next day and most alarmingly, they don’t even realize it. There have been numerous studies that link obesity and not enough sleep.  With kids, jobs, school and church obligations, I know this may be hard to do.  However, studies have shown that those who get 7 hours of sleep each night are better able to perform their duties.  So look at sleeping as an important part of being the best ‘YOU’-you can be.

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